Healthy Aging | WellnessLink Team | WellnessLink NH
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About Us

WellnessLink is a program sponsored by the Partnership for Public Health with support from New Hampshire’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services (BEAS) to support older adults’ access to public health.

Our Mission WellnessLink’s mission is to promote health and prevent disease for aging adults in New Hampshire.
Our Vision New Hampshire adults are supported and thriving with access to information and tools to live and age well.
Our Team

Our team is leading the way to build connections across services in the public health system to align with NH’s vision of healthy aging as a public health priority. We do this by providing education and connection to information and resources to live and age well.

Our collaborators also include UNH Center on Aging and Community Living and JSI/Community Health Institute.


Human Services Administrator

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Community Health Educator

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Christa DeMichelis


Program Coordinator

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Our Values

We are Proactive

Our intentional, forward-thinking approach to public health allows us to anticipate needs and proactively address them.

We Aim for Positivity

Our goal is to nurture hope and optimism, we cultivate compassion and honor choice across our diverse communities.

We are Supportive

Our actions are guided by understanding and respect for individuals’ unique life experiences from an inclusive, judgment-free perspective.

We Aim to Empower

Our educational programs and services promote wellbeing, support independence, and improve quality of life.
The Wellnesslink Difference Our staff engage in one-to-one conversations directly with Granite Staters. We provide specific information tailored to individual needs. We offer connections to support through our statewide partners including access to programming, information, and resources.
Call WellnessLink Today

WellnessLink can help you make meaningful connections. Talk to a real person, call 866-452-1693.

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Our team is here to answer your questions and connect you with resources.